Category: Lice Treatment

The Truth About Hygiene and Head Lice

Everyone has heard the gossip that only dirty people get head lice. Schools are swarming with kids who make fun of others who don’t shower, neglect to wash their hair or have unkempt clothing. So, as parents isn’t it our responsibility to teach our children the truth about head lice

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Yes, Head Lice Do Bite

When parents learn one or more of their children have become victim to a lice infestation it can lead to many questions. One of the most common questions we get at Lice Clinics of America is a simple one, “Do lice bite?” Yes, head lice do bite. In fact, they

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What is Life Like for a Louse?

When trying to understand the best method of eliminating head lice, it can be beneficial to understand the life cycle of head lice and how they grow. Many products claim to kill head lice, but in fact, do nothing to prevent the eggs from hatching. As you come to understand

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Spring Break Prime Time for Head Lice

Head Lice Coming Out for Spring Break

While kids are out of school enjoying the much longed for sunshine be aware that spring break is one of the top times for head lice outbreaks. Along with the long summer months, back to school and winter break holidays, spring break is prime time for head lice to find

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Home Remedies for Head Lice Not Helping the Situation

Catching Head Lice An Increasingly Common Dilemma

Between running kids from sports practices, catching up on homework and keeping the laundry clean parents hardly have time to worry about head lice. Unfortunately, in recent years the problem has started to become even more prevalent in the United States. Why is that?  Here are some of the reasons

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Nit Comb

Have Super Lice Got You Super Worried?

  Super lice from a parent’s perspective can make you break out in a sweat at the very thought. What are super lice!? How would I know if my child had super lice? Where would I even begin to get rid of them? Never fear worried parents everywhere. Lice Clinics

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Winter Warning for Head Lice

Cold Weather and Head Lice. What are the Effects?

  With the cold weather fully set in and chilly wind blowing it can be hard to believe that head lice would still be a concern for anyone. How does the cold weather make a difference for head lice infestations and what do parents need to know about keeping kids

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The AirAllé® Device A Game Changer for Head Lice

  Chemically based head lice treatment shampoos and products have been on the market for decades, and quite honestly have been the most easily accessible and common treatment for head lice. Unfortunately, with these products have come concerns about the negative impacts such harsh toxins would have on those infected

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Missouri State Flag on classroom blackboard. State policy about lice in schools.

Why Should Schools Update “No Nit” Lice Policy?

Lice in public schools can create a big uproar in communities. Often parents become very concerned when they hear of an outbreak in a classroom or school. Across the United States “no nit” policies have been in place for several decades that prohibit students from attending class if any nits,

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What Nefertiti, a queen of ancient Egypt, may have looked like in life. - history of head lice

A Brief Look At the History of Headlice

Long before human beings had shampoos and soaps to clean their bodies lice have clung to human heads. With modern scientific discoveries that show us just how long these pesky critters have been bothering humankind, it can be quite interesting to note the effect that lice have had on people

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