Tag Archives for " lice prevention "

Talking To Other Parents About Head Lice

Head lice is always an uncomfortable topic to discuss, especially amongst adults. When it comes to neighborhood gatherings, PTA meetings, or lunch with the girls, the last thing anyone wants is to bring up uncomfortable topics. Head lice is one of those topics though that seems to wedge its way into conversation at the most […]

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Does Peppermint Oil Kill or Prevent Lice?

peppermint oil bottles next to other care items on white background

In most homes where lice have dominated, people want to know what can kill or prevent the lice from infesting their area. Unfortunately, killing lice can be challenging despite employing chemical and mechanical technologies. However, Peppermint oil can be a great deal in preventing a lice infestation. Can Peppermint Oil Prevent Lice? Peppermint oil is […]

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Tips for a Lice Free Halloween

three children in different costumes knocking on a door trick or treating

Halloween can be a fun and exciting time, but head lice can easily ruin an exciting time. The fun and spookiness of Halloween can lead to the easy spread of head lice infestations. People gathering and kids playing close together are the perfect mix for head lice. We’ve put together some tips for you to […]

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What to Do if There is a Lice Outbreak at Your School

children sitting at desks facing teacher at the front of the classroom

School has been back in session for a while now and along with it head lice outbreaks. Head lice return to school just like your children every year and can wreak havoc on your children’s classroom. If there is a lice outbreak at your school, there is plenty you can do to prevent an infestation. […]

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Summer Head Lice Prevention Tips

two children swimming in a pool with floaties and goggles on a sunny summer day

Summer is here, and we can’t wait to get outside and enjoy the weather. Most assume head lice only spike during the school season, but the truth is head lice enjoy all times of year. Sports, summer camps, and weather make the summer a perfect time for head lice to thrive. We’ve put together a […]

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