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National Bullying Prevention Month

October National Bullying Prevention Month

There are many situations in which a child might find themselves the victim of bullying. If your child is dealing with a head lice infestation and their peers decide to pick on them, it can turn into a bullying situation.

Here’s what parents should consider when it comes to preventing bullying for your child.


Who Do I Need To Tell About the Head Lice?

In some unfortunate circumstances, a school nurse or teacher might make the situation obvious to your child’s whole classroom, resulting in shame and embarrassment for your child when they find out they have head lice. To combat this, parents could do regular head lice checks on your own children to make sure you catch an outbreak and not the school. If your child is involved in an embarrassing scenario at school, do your best to comfort them and help them see that head lice are not something to be ashamed about. It can happen to anyone, and most likely is, in fact, happening to several children at their same school. 

Talk to your child’s teacher about showing care and discretion if your child is missing school for a head lice outbreak. Chances are that several children in the classroom are experiencing the same issue, yet children can be mean and hurtful in this scenario.

It is important to notify the parents of children your child associates with often to determine if their children are also harboring head lice. With that being said, it doesn’t mean that your child needs to be publically humiliated or announced to the whole community that they have head lice. Use your discretion and talk to those who you feel will be sensitive, kind and understanding. 


How Do I Help My Child With Bullying?

First of all, help your child to understand that having head lice is a normal, common problem. Head lice do not mean that they are dirty, gross or bad. Show them that millions of people catch head lice every year. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that up to 12 million children will catch head lice in the United States this year alone.

If your child is experiencing bullying take the following actions:

  • Teach them to stand up for themselves and ask the kid bullying them to stop in a kind, yet strong voice. If they show strength than the child will be less likely to target them.
  • Sometimes it can help if your child laughs off the abuser. Make it a joke and walk away. The kid bullying you could be left speechless and leave you alone.
  • Other children will do best to simply walk away, keep a safe distance and try to ignore the person.
  • Most importantly, let your child know they must always inform an adult of the situation. Never keep it to themselves and just hide their hurt feelings.
  • Don’t fight. Prevent physical confrontation and show kindness.
  • Avoid the situation by talking to a trusted adult, making a plan for your child to stop the bullying, and never place yourself alone with the person who is bullying you.

Check out StopBullying.gov for more helpful information.

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