Head lice treatment can be frustrating. Lucky for you, we offer safe, effective and stress-free lice treatment at a reasonable cost. Don’t know much about lice treatment? Here are 4 facts about head lice that you may not know.
1. Lice Can Infect Anyone
There’s not a certain nationality or style of hair that lice like best. They will live in any type of hair and they are spread through head-to-head contact. Most people think lice like dirty hair but studies show that they actually prefer a clean head of hair. However, they will infest both. Head lice are not a result of uncleanliness or hygiene, they have nothing to do with that. Lice cannot infest a bald head. They need hair strains to attach to and lay their eggs in and they need a scalp to get a blood supply from.
2. Your Child Has Probably Had Lice For a While
The first symptom of head lice is itching. The itchiness on the scalp, back of the neck or behind the ears is an allergic reaction to lice saliva. It often takes three to four weeks for that reaction to start, hence why you might not even know about a head lice infestation until a few weeks into having it. This is why head checks are important, which brings us to number.
3. Head Checks Are The Best Way To Detect Lice
The sooner you find lice, the sooner you can get rid of them, preventing them from spreading to anyone else. Nobody wants to be the reason for a lice outbreak at school. The only way to catch lice early on is to perform regular head checks on your children. Do it weekly if they are young and daily if there’s an outbreak at school.
4. We Offer The Best Lice Treatment Around
If you need lice treatment, look no further than our clinic. If you haven’t heard, our clinic is home to the revolutionary and FDA-cleared AirAllé device which blows controlled heat to dehydrate lice and their nits. It’s safe, fast and effective.
Now you know a little bit more about head lice. Call us if you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment!